Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
Agricola Manzella and
Used by Michelin Italian restaurants in HK, Macau and over the world.
This extra virgin olive oil is produced by Agricola Manzella and
Iannello in Sicily, in the area 'Val di Mazara' with the best
'terroir' for extra virgin olive oil production. The family has its
own olive grown by biological cultivation.
Extra virgin olive oil is made simply by crushing olives and
extracting the juice. It is the only cooking oil that is made without
the use of chemicals and industrial refining.
It’s simply the juice of fresh, healthy olives which contains, more
than any other grade, the health-promoting nutrients that olive oil is
famous for.
Because of the way extra virgin oil is made, it retains more true
olive taste, and has a lower level of oleic acid than other olive oil
varieties. It also contains more of the natural vitamins and minerals
found in olives.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Agricola Manzella and Iannello |